Personal archiving

Learning to archive and preserving our history

Several generations of Charity’s family have had an interest in understanding the storys of their past, and in keeping artifacts to pass on to future generations. Our little clan has been infected with curiosty and delight in the stories of those in our family tree, and wish to do our part and add our own stories to that thread. For many years we have had an itch to do more; to build a family archive that will conserve, understand, enjoy and share stories and memories. We’ll, it’s time to scratch that itch! We’re starting this personal archiving project so we can better preserve and archive the items in our care, and also to capture important parts of our own family’s story to that. Along the way we hope to learn the best way’s to archive, and to build that knowledge into tools that make archiving easier. Hopefully we can then share these with others to use as they build their own archives.


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